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Designing an Amazing Logo in 12 Methods


Creating a logo can be a tedious and time consuming process, not to mention if you want to design an amazing logo which can stand out from the rest.

Your logo is often the most ‘seen’ item for your business. Some people can recognize the logo of a business instead of their names, thanks to their distinguished and unique logo design.

The most popular problem in creating a logo is during the process of transforming your ‘ideas’ into a ‘reality’, which is converting your thoughts into visual.

Designing a business logo can be a big project if you are planning to use the logo for a long term basis, fact is, you don’t want to change your logo too often due to the reason as mentioned above, people sometimes can remember your business logo instead of names, so changing it too often makes people hard to find and identify you and your business.

You can always outsource or delegate this process to a professional logo designer, however if you want to be more involved in this process, here’s some tips to make sure you can come out with an amazing logo that both you and your customers will love.

  1. Don’t overcomplicate your logo, use clear, precise and unique text and art.
  2. Create the logo in vector or scalable format such as in AI file, as you never know when you will be using it for a big billboard printing or t-shirt.
  3. If your business has a ridiculously long name, use short forms.
  4. Your logo theme should match your business nature, a logo that is too colorful doesn’t represent a professional service like a law firm.
  5. Don’t use images you can find on the internet as you will have high chance of running into an identical logo later on. This embarrassment can be prevented by investing in original imagery.
  6. Use suitable colors that match your business profile. You can read more about the color meanings in business here.
  7. Keep in mind of the flexibility of your logo. Sometimes you need a square size logo, a horizontal or tall size ratio for different purposes. So make it easily scalable and adjustable without losing too much consistency.

Now, check out the 12 methods to create your own amazing logo in the infographics below:

Source: Logo Mojo by Deluxe

Do you have any of your own tips to share on designing an amazing logo? Share it with us in the comments down below!


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Sanz Teoh

Sanz Teoh is the founder and CEO of Jumix. With more than 10 years of experience in digital marketing, he has helped countless of businesses on their branding, digital marketing and web designing needs.
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