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Mobile SEO, The Elements That Make it Successful

Do you have a website? How mobile-friendly is it? How optimized is your website for mobile searches or does it look great on tablets and phones? If not, there are many users feeling frustrated when using your website. Mobile SEO is becoming important and here you can find some of the elements suggested by SEO consultant, that make it successful.

The Five Areas You Can Look At

Three Types of Mobile Sites

There is the dynamic serving site, the parallel mobile site, and the responsive site.

It is important to choose the correct model from the start and a very important part when starting a website.


The Importance of User Engagement

Content remains king on the internet and you need to keep your users engaged in ranking on the SERPs. You need to optimize your content for people using their mobile and these include your images/videos, call-to-action, and headlines.

When using a responsive website, you need to use the same content on your web page and your mobile screen. Make sure to write short headlines and summarize the key points of the top of each of your articles. Break up the content into smaller paragraphs for mobile users to see and make sure your images are mobile friendly.


Mobile Speed is Still Important

No matter what type of mobile site you have, the loading speed needs to be perfect. This is an important ranking factor as a slow website leads to loss of clients. There are different techniques available to help speeding up your mobile web pages such as enabling compression using Gzip as it reduces the CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files.


The Display of Your Mobile on SERP

Competition for clicks is fierce on the SERP. As when Google is viewed in landscape mode on mobile devices you will only notice the top two results above the fold in SERPs on Google. Google also shows maps or answers to queries directly below the first results. You need to optimize your SERP listings with rich snippets or cards to give it a competitive edge and attracting users to click.


Be Found in Local Search

As with any website, people need to find your website on the mobile local search. Having local mobile SEO in place makes sure that your clients find you. Use those keywords that normally are too competitive to rank for in your local SEO. It may not rank high on the first page but will rank high in the Google map results.



Mobile search and viewing websites on mobile devices are becoming popular every day. By following the set-out elements, you too can ensure that your online Marketing campaign is a success.


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Sanz Teoh

Sanz Teoh is the founder and CEO of Jumix. With more than 10 years of experience in digital marketing, he has helped countless of businesses on their branding, digital marketing and web designing needs.
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