Be a reseller or affiliate
Earn up to RM5,000 / USD$1,000 per referral.

Jumix’s Affiliate and Reseller Program is for people who’d like to earn extra income.
Sign-up for an affiliate account and start earning up to 10% commission from each sale made from your website or blog!
Sign-up is absolutely FREE!
If you don’t have a blog or website, simply refer your friends to us by word of mouth, you’ll still get the same amount of commission.
Best of all, you even get RM30 as a welcome bonus upon signing-up!
Why share Jumix
with your audience?
Jumix has a team of experts in web design and digital marketing.
We are obsessed with over-delivering results to our clients.
When you introduce someone to Jumix,
we can make sure they are going to walk away with a smile, just like you did!
Not just that, as a reseller of affiliate member, you’ll benefit from the following perks.

You will get your commission in less than 14 business days.

Receive up to 10% commission from the sales you made!

You can refer your social media followers, blog readers or your friends by simply placing your affiliate link in your social profile, group chats, blog or website.

We've made the referral process hassle-free for you. Promote our service easily just by using our pre-made advertising banners that are available to download for free in your affiliate panel.
Ready To Share?
For Online Referral

Place our banners or your unique affiliate link on your website, blog or social media account.

For every click on the link, they will be redirected to Jumix website, where they can easily sign-up for Jumix's services.

With each successful sign-up via your referral link, the commission will be credited to your affiliate account automatically.

Payout will be done once a month or you may request for a payout once you’ve reached the minimum cashout amount.
For Offline / Word of Mouth Referral
Introduce Jumix to your friends or the clients you want to refer to Jumix.
Inform us of their names, contact number and business name, and send them to via 017-4061882, or use this link.
If our team successfully close the deals, we'll pay you 5% commission from the revenue amount he/she signed-up. If you help us to close the deal, we'll pay you 10% commission.
Payout will be done once a month or you may request for a payout once you’ve reached the minimum cashout amount.
When will I receive my commission? You will receive your first half of commission as soon within 14 business days once the client has paid. | Can I promote Jumix by using your website logo and pictures? Yes you can. Please give credit to Jumix wherever it’s necessary. |
How much will I get for each sign-up I refer? You will get up to 10% commission for each sign-up when you close the sales for us. You will get 5% commission for each sign-up when you refer client to us. | I’m interested to introduce a few friends to you, how can I get started? Sign up for an account here. You can also contact us at or +6017-4061882. Introduce Jumix to your friends and inform us about their contact information, so we know they are introduced by you when they sign-up for our service. |
- Offline referral must be informed and stated clearly before the project is confirmed, not after.
- Offline referral client must have not previously contacted Jumix before.
- 10% commission is given when you have successfully close the sales for us and get all the client’s requirements, without involving us in the sales or closing process. If you're just referring us to them and we have to pitch, present or do the sales call, you'll get 5% commission.
- You will not get any commission if the referral is your own business or personal project.
- For branding and web design services, the revenue calculation will be after the deduction of any applicable taxes.
- For marketing services, the revenue calculation will be after the deduction of media buy / ads spend and any applicable taxes.
- Max commission of up to RM1,000/USD$250 for 5% referral.
- Max commission of up to RM5,000/USD$1,000 for 10% referral.