Influencer marketing is a growing trend on Instagram.  Have you tried it? Well, most marketers swear by it because, according to them, it ‘delivers results’.

That said, the problem with Influencer marketing in Instagram is, most people fail to realize their ROI. Some are not aware of it, while some just ignore it. But, without tracking the results of your campaign, you aren’t going to know what works for your business.

In this article, you’ll discover the various metrics that are required to track the ROI of an Influencer marketing campaign.

Metrics that impact an Influencer marketing campaign

Success metrics

Of course, the most important metric is that of determining the success of your campaign. In order to understand the overall success of your collaboration with an Influencer, track down everything that is involved from start to finish such as the reach of your promotions, content generated, and user engagement. Now, these are lengthy metrics that can’t be explained in one word. Here is a detailed breakdown of the critical parameters you need to monitor:

Reach of your Instagram campaign

Your reach is the extent of awareness that has been created for your products/services through your Influencer marketing campaign. To get detailed information on the users’ response, you could use relevant tools to track 1) the number of people that have clicked on your link (which you might have placed in your Influencer’s bio) and landed on your site and 2) how many people have viewed your profile.

Number of posts generated

If you are partnering with multiple Influencers, then it’s important that you keep track of the number of posts that you have created in each campaign. At the end of your campaign, this will help determine the impact of your Influencers on your promotions.

People’s participation

Did you get your Influencer’s followers excited about your brand? Did they participate in your promotions? The best way to determine this is to track the number of likes received, the number of comments they have posted, and how many new followers have you got.

Success of your Instagram Influencer

There have been instances when an Influencer’s following went from 8,000 to 1.8 million in a year after endorsing a popular brand on their account. The success of your influencer helps determine your growth as well especially if you are associating with them on a long term basis.

Compare your posts

An advanced form of comparison is assessing the engagement on your Influencer’s account to that of the most popular posts in your niche by your competitors. This is not necessarily a metric of your just-concluded Influencer campaign but a forward-thinking method of finding out how you can scale up your promotions to that of the best in your niche.

Final Words

The purpose of running an Influencer marketing campaign is to widen the reach of your promotions and get more popular on social media. Following the essential metrics to track the results will help double up your results from one campaign to another. Wish you good luck! Happy Instagram-ing.

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Sanz Teoh

Sanz Teoh is the founder and CEO of Jumix. With more than 10 years of experience in digital marketing, he has helped countless of businesses on their branding, digital marketing and web designing needs.