Work-life balance is a myth or considered as a very futuristic goal for many people. It became even harder to achieve when you are running a business of your own, as entrepreneurs and small business owners tend to spend 80% of their time daily in work and even forget to sleep and eat occasionally!

Despite the fact that starting a business can be a fulfilling thing to do in your life, balancing between your business and your family will get harder, especially when you are just getting married or planning to have a baby.

Well, don’t let the thought of this hindering you from starting a business or getting a baby, because you should do both of them. Here’s some tips to guide you on how to achieve a balance between business and family or a work-life balance.


1. Give 100% Focus & Attention to One Thing at a Time


Don’t overestimate yourself when it comes to multi-tasking, you may end up spoiling everything and achieving nothing in a good manner.

When there are two things that require your attention, fully focus on completing one before you proceed to another.

Don’t think of your work and business when you are taking care of your kids, and vice versa.


2. Timing is Important


If you are expecting a new born in the coming months, do not start a new business in this point of time.

You should continue the business planning but do not take any action on the business as both require an inordinate amount of time and energy to do it successfully.

Don’t stress yourself when you are pregnant or your wife is pregnant, as this may not be healthy to both yourself and the incoming baby.

Once things start to settle down and you are comfortable with your parenting skills or hired a nanny, then you can start on your new business endeavour.


3. Get Help from Family


Your partner and your family are the ones who you can put your trust on. If you ever need help in taking care of the kids, you can ask for their help and hopefully you can arrange to stay with your parents and your kids all together.

This should cut down the time you will spend in travelling from the nursery to your workplace and home. If you are working from home, this is the perfect solution as you will be able to access to your work and your family at the same location.


4. Work from Home if Possible


Most new business start-ups can work from home now with the help of internet technology. If you are working from home there is no need to worry about your family as you can easily check up on them.

There’s also tons of other benefits of working from home which we have covered in this blog post here.

If you are not able to work efficiently at home, consider to read up our guide on 5 Effective Ways To Improve Work Efficiency for Home Workers.


5. Allocate a Fixed Hour or Day for Family


Business hours can be tricky when you are the owner of the business, as you may face a lot of unforeseen circumstances.

With this in mind, you may end up spending too much time in your business and overlook your family.

So what you should do is to allocate a fixed hour(s) in a day or a fix a specific day in a week just to spend with your family.

Many would choose Sunday to be a family day, and you can also allocate 8pm-10pm everyday which you will only spend time together with your family and put all your works and business aside.


Achieving a balance between business and family can be a challenging task, but what you actually need is to figure out the perfect spot for location, time and money.

Keep these tips in mind and when you are doing it, just think about which is more important to you, your business or your family?

Feel free to share tips on how you strike a balance between business and family or how you strive for work-life balance in the comments below.


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Sanz Teoh

Sanz Teoh is the founder and CEO of Jumix. With more than 10 years of experience in digital marketing, he has helped countless of businesses on their branding, digital marketing and web designing needs.