From time to time, our clients encounter problems on their website that aren’t able to be solved by us. The tricky part is that they only face these problems on their computer end and we are not picking up those problems on our side.

Problems such as their website is not displaying properly, some images are missing and few features are not functioning the right way or even pop ups that shouldn’t even be there at the first place.

Most of the time, we discovered the problems lie within the PC of our clients themselves. As we always troubleshoot problems and do our testing in multiple computers setting, we can always pick up problems if they exist in a clean and proper PC set-up environment.

So, we have decided to come out with this guide and hope to benefit all our existing clients and future ones.

By having a clean and safe PC, not only you can make sure your business website is safe, all your data and intellectual property will be safe too!


1. Clean Your Browser


First of all, we strongly recommend you to use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome as your default browser as Internet Explorer always tend to have more problems than the others.

Check your Add-Ons in Firefox and Extensions in Chrome to make sure you didn’t install anything that you can’t recognize. Your browser will work best without any additional Add-Ons or Extensions.

If you must use certain add-ons and extensions, make sure they are verified and only install add-ons from Mozilla official Add-Ons page and extensions from Google Webstore.

Install any unverified extensions or from other sources will put your own PC at risk.

Having a clean web browser without any add-ons or extensions will ensure you can surf all websites with the best experience, including your own business website.


2. Protect Your PC from Virus and Malware


Most people have already known about this, but there are still people who insist on doing nothing to prevent their PC from getting infected by virus or malware. If your PC is infected, not only it will tamper with the experience of using your PC properly, but you are also risking to lose all your important data.

Do you want your precious database and intellectual property to be leaked out and abused by others? If your answer is no, always protect your PC from virus and malware at all time.

If you are a new start-up and do not have much fund to invest in premium anti-virus and malware solution, you can opt for freeware instead, as it is still better than having nothing.

We recommend using Avast Free Anti-Virus as your main anti-virus software and top it up with Malwarebytes Anti Malware for maximum security. Both of them are available in both free and premium solution.


3. Stay Away From Pirated Software


We understand that a lot of people are using still pirated software, but this is not good. These pirated software that you downloaded from the Internet may be injected with spyware or virus that you do not aware of.

Though you may already have anti-virus and anti-malware to protect your PC, there’s still chances that some of these pesky little infections may break in.

These software may be the reason of your PC is malfunctioning or acting weirdly.


4. Update Your Windows or Mac


Run Windows Updates occasionally, as it will bring the latest security updates as well as some new features to your PC. If you have a Mac, try to update it to the latest version of the OS as soon as possible.

Some programs or software may not work properly in an outdated OS, so always keep your PC updated.


5. Delete Unused Software and Programs


Fire up your control panel and navigate to Add/Remove Programs. Browse through the list and see which programs you are no longer using and do not plan to use it any more.

Uninstall them to save you some space. This can make sure your old programs will not tamper with your browsing experience and your PC may run faster by having less programs in it.


Having a clean and fast PC will make sure you can browse your own website and others’ in the best possible way, or at least the “right” way.

If you have any other tips to share, please leave your comment down below.


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Sanz Teoh

Sanz Teoh is the founder and CEO of Jumix. With more than 10 years of experience in digital marketing, he has helped countless of businesses on their branding, digital marketing and web designing needs.