Mobile web and mobile apps are taking over the world right now. It’s becoming a dominant force that most marketers and businesses can no longer ignore.

We’ve talked about why mobile friendly websites are the real deal back in 2015. Now, mobile friendly websites are just going to be more important and relevant till the future.

With more than 50% of search activity is done via mobile, this data alone is enough for you to start working out a proper mobile marketing strategy. Losing half of your potential traffic and business isn’t a sweet deal.

Let’s take a look at this infographic compiled by SimilarWeb below:


As you can see, the 2 most visited website of all time (Facebook & Google) are now having higher mobile visits than desktop visits. People browse these websites with their smartphone wherever they are instead of being restricted in one place.

People also visit more pages of a website now than before. It means they stay on a mobile website longer than you’ve always expected. The longer they stay, the higher chance it is for you to close a sale.

We also see a huge grow of 59% in mobile app usage. If a mobile friendly website won’t cut it, you can consider to develop a mobile app too as part of your mobile marketing strategy.


As you can see, Facebook is the largest mobile display advertising company since 2015. According to the new report from IHS, by 2020, advertisers will spend $84.5 billion on mobile advertising. Mobile advertising is going to be accounted for 75.9% of all digital ad spend globally. This is something you should take note of in your mobile marketing strategy. Facebook ads should be your first point of contact.


Get in touch with us and discuss more about mobile marketing that can help to boost your profit.


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Sanz Teoh

Sanz Teoh is the founder and CEO of Jumix. With more than 10 years of experience in digital marketing, he has helped countless of businesses on their branding, digital marketing and web designing needs.