by Sanz Teoh | Jan 13, 2015 | Article, Internet Marketing, Social Media, Tips Sharing
Social media can be a powerful tool to gather business leads and customers. When it comes to manage your social media accounts, it can be both challenging and interesting thing to do. Today, we will share with you some quick tips to improve your social media...
by Sanz Teoh | Jan 6, 2015 | Article, Off topic
How do you feel about your current job? You happy with it or you hate it? You may not be working on your dream job right now, but is your current job giving you any chance of pursuing your dream job in the future? Are you advancing? Are you improving and learning?...
by Sanz Teoh | Dec 30, 2014 | Article, Off topic
We are finally approaching 2015 in a few days more. As our article- Here’s How to Start Online Business in Malaysia in Just 1 Day has received a lot of views and we get asked a lot about what business should you start in 2014, today we are going to flip over to...
by Sanz Teoh | Dec 23, 2014 | Article, Online Business, Tips Sharing, Website Design
If you keen to grow your business in this highly competitive market today, it is inevitable for you to have a well-established and informative website. Your business could not exist without a website these days, as it is becoming a judging guideline on how people...
by Sanz Teoh | Dec 15, 2014 | Article, Payment Gateway, Tips Sharing
If you are running an online business, you probably want to facilitate your payment system to make sure it is easier and faster for your customers to pay you. However, most of the “online stores” today aren’t using a proper ecommerce system,...
by Sanz Teoh | Dec 9, 2014 | Article, Off topic, Tips Sharing
From time to time, our clients encounter problems on their website that aren’t able to be solved by us. The tricky part is that they only face these problems on their computer end and we are not picking up those problems on our side. Problems such as...
by Sanz Teoh | Dec 2, 2014 | Article, Internet Marketing, SEO, Tips Sharing
A lot of people are looking forward into 2015, a brand new year with new targets, new objectives. With the recent Google Penguin 3.0 update, the SEO world is facing some changes again and we can expect even more updates and changes in 2015. After each update, we can...
by Sanz Teoh | Nov 27, 2014 | Article, Facebook Advertising, Internet Marketing, Tips Sharing, Website Design
There is no denying that Facebook Page is getting more popular among new business start-ups as their first penetration tool into internet business. Most starters go with Facebook Page instead of a website because it is free and easy to get started. The decision of...
by Sanz Teoh | Nov 10, 2014 | Article, Internet Marketing, Tips Sharing
Small action, big result. Managing a business is not an easy stuff. Here’s 10 easy daily routine tasks that you can do to improve your online business. 1. Post new content Make sure your website is always up to date. Both search engines and visitors love updated...
by Sanz Teoh | Oct 24, 2014 | Article, Tips Sharing
Building an online business is now easier than few years ago. By harnessing the technologies and skills that we have today, it is now faster and simpler to create and build your very own online business. Step 1: Creating the structure and real estate When we...