by Sanz Teoh | Oct 26, 2016 | Article, E-commerce, Online Business, Tips Sharing
Starting your own eCommerce business can be relatively easy with the help of a professional or using a pre-made shopping cart. Maintaining and growing it however, is not as easy as you think it will be. Many made mistakes along the way and end up having to stop...
by Sanz Teoh | Sep 22, 2016 | Article, E-commerce, Facebook Advertising, Internet Marketing, Tips Sharing
So you’ve just created your very first own eCommerce website, all fired up and ready to take on the world of internet. Thinking that most people have their success at eCommerce, you think you can easily achieve that too. After you’ve waited for some...
by Sanz Teoh | Sep 14, 2016 | Article, Mobile Marketing, Tips Sharing
Mobile marketing is an essential part of any marketing campaign, and that includes business to business campaigns. With mobile devices being carried by just about everyone, employees are constantly using mobile devices to make purchases, to call service departments,...
by Sanz Teoh | Sep 7, 2016 | Article, SEO, Tips Sharing
Do you have a website? How mobile-friendly is it? How optimized is your website for mobile searches or does it look great on tablets and phones? If not, there are many users feeling frustrated when using your website. Mobile SEO is becoming important and here you can...
by Sanz Teoh | Aug 25, 2016 | Article, Internet Marketing, Online Business, Tips Sharing
One of the most popular marketing activity to attract more buyers is by offering discount coupons. It is a relatively easy way to boost sales and get people to pay attention to your brand. This kind of promotional method is not favored by all, as some businesses think...
by Sanz Teoh | Aug 11, 2016 | Article, Internet Marketing, Tips Sharing
The news of Pokemon Go is probably storming and flooding your social media timeline and news headlines by now. This Augmented Reality (AR) based game took gamers around the world by storm. Players are traveling and moving their city, region, and even the world to...